Thursday, 23 March 2017

Assignment Instructions:

Open Excel File

Q.1.Insert one row at the top

a. In cell A1,type:Expense Report

b. Merge and center cells A1:I11

C. Bold the text

d. Apply a fill color (of your choice) to the cell

Q.2. Rename the worksheet “Expense Report”

Q.3.Insert a header with your name.

 Q.4. Freeze row two by freezing panes in row three (be sure you’re in Normal View).

Q.5. Apply “All Borders” to cells A1:I15.

Q.6. Bold the column headings.

Q.7. Apply a “Bottom Double Border” to cells A9:I9 (the Total row)

Q.8. Use the AutoSum function to calculate the totals in cells H4:H8, and B9:H9.

Q.9. Use the AutoSum function drop-down to calculate the Averages in Cells I4:I9.

Q.10. Use the AutoSum functions to calculate the same columns for the “Grand Total” row.

Q.11. Use the Autosume drop-down to calculate the same columns

 to figure the “Maximum” and “Minmum”expense (do not include

 Total or Grand total rows in Calculations.)

Q.12. Format all Monetary values (cells B4:H15)to “currency” format.

Q.13. Adjust column widths as necessary.

Q.14. Set page orientation to landscape.

Q.15. Save your completed Excel file as your last name in all lowercase letters.

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