Monday, 12 February 2018

Informatics Assistants Set - 12

Q.1. What is a ‘frame relay’ and in which layer does it operate?
Ans. A frame relay is a packet-switching technology. It operates in the data link layer.
Q.2  What is ‘beaconing’?
Ans. Beaconing is the process that allows a network to self-repair networks problems.
Q.3  Differentiate between a ‘bit rate’ and ‘baud rate’.
Ans. A bit rate is the number of bits transmitted during one second, whereas, baud rate refers to the number of signal units per second that are required to represent those bits.
Q.4 What is Project 802?
Ans. It is a project started by IEEE to set standards to enable intercommunication between equipment from a variety of manufacturers.
Q.5 Differentiate Communication and Transmission?
Ans. Through Transmission the data gets transferred from source to destination (Only one way). It is treated as the physical movement of data.
Communication means the process of sending and receiving data between two media (data is transferred between source and destination in both ways).
Q.6 Define various types of internet connections?
There are three types of internet connections. They are listed below
Ø  Broadband Connection – This type of connection gives continuous high-speed internet. In this type, if we log off from the internet for any reason then there is no need to log in again.
Eg: Modems of cables, Fibres, wireless connection, satellite connection etc.
Ø  Wi-Fi – It is a wireless internet connection between the devices. It uses radio waves to connect to the devices or gadgets.
Ø  WiMAX – It is the most advanced type of internet connection which is more featured than Wi-Fi. It is nothing but the high-speed and advanced type of broadband connection.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Informatics Assistant Capsules -11

We are providing some previous exam questions with their answers which will help you to prepare for your examination. So read complete questions with their answers to grasp the entire info.

Informatics Assistant Capsules -11

InformaticsAssistant  Capsules AnswerSheet - 11

Monday, 22 January 2018

RSCIT Answer Key 21 January 2018

RKCL RS-CIT Answer key 2018, VMOU RS-CIT 21 January Answer key 2018, VMOU Kota will be soon uploaded RSCIT RKCL Answer Key 21-01-2018 on official website,
RKCL RSCIT Answer Key 2018-
Vardhman Mahaveer Open University (VMOU), Kota is going to organization RS-CIT Online Exam on 21 January 2018. Candidates who Appeared in RS-CIT Exam and appeared in RS-CIT Online exam on 21 January 2018.They will be soon checked RKCL RSCIT Answer ...

RKCL RSCIT Series Wise A, B, C, D Answer Key

RKCL RS-CIT Answer key 2018

RKCL RS-CIT Answer key 2018
Note the question 

what is the use of shift +f3 shortcut key in ms excel?


Which key enables you to delete the characters to the right of the cursor ?


O Level Answer Key Jan 2018

The answer Key of NIELIT O Level will be released after exam on 13 Jan 2018 to 16 Jan 2018. All the candidates who appeared for NIELIT O Level Jan  2018 are looking for answer key . NIELIT O Level Answer Key Jan 2018 helps candidates to know the correct answers to the question so candidates can check the answer key, candidates can download answer key and match their answers to get their expected marks and result.

IT TOOLS  13-1-2018                  Answer Key

IWPD. 14-1-2018                         Answer Key

C LAN. 15-1-2018                       Answer Key

ICT. 16-1-2018                             Answer Key

DOITC (IA) Previous year paper

Download and read Rajasthan DOITC Informatics Assistant IA (सूचना सहायक प्रतियोगी परीक्षा) Previous year question paper with answer key as you know Rajasthan finance department pass the 1302 IA Post, So we hope this year DOITC Recruit the  सूचना सहायक प्रतियोगी परीक्षा

Rajasthan informatics assistant Syllabus 

Hello friends today we share Rajasthan informatics assistant or suchna sahayak सूचना हायक or I.A syllabus and pattern. Rajasthan Suchna Sahayak exam 2018 syllabus download PDF file.

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Secondary Storage Structure

As we know that the Main Memory Stores the data in a Temporary Manner means all the data will be loss when the Power switched off. And all the data will be loss when the power goes switched off. So that we uses the Secondary Storage devices those are used for Storing the data in a permanently. Secondary storage devices are those devices whose memory is nonvolatile, meaning, the stored data will be intact even if the system is turned off. Here are a few things worth noting about secondary storage.
·         Secondary storage is also called auxiliary storage.
·         Secondary storage is less expensive when compared to primary memory like RAMs.
·         The speed of the secondary storage is also lesser than that of primary storage.
·         Hence, the data which is less frequently accessed is kept in the secondary storage.
·         A few examples are magnetic disks, magnetic tapes, removable thumb drives etc.

Hard disk drive performance characteristics 

Access time refers to how fast the disk or memory can locate and begin retrieving (accessing) a specific piece of information or transfer data to the CPU. A low access time indicates a fast hard drive. Access time is measured in milliseconds. A disk drive the access time includes both the head SEEK TIME and the LATENCY.

  • Seek time: The seek time of a hard disk measures the amount of time required for the read/write heads to move between tracks over the surfaces of the platters
  • Rotation latency is the average time for the sector being accessed to rotate into position under a head, after a completed seek. It is easily calculated from the spindle speed, being the time for half a rotation. A drive’s average access time is the interval between the time a request for data is made by the system and the time the data is available from the drive.
  • BPI defines how many bits can be written onto one inch of a track on a disk surface.

  • TPIThe key media recording parameters relating to density per platter are Tracks Per Inch (TPI)

Rajasthan Madarsa Board Vacancy 2023 -2024

                                                                             R ajasthan Government keeps releasing various recruitment exami...